How to manage Change in IT Operations

We tend to think of strong leadership as being decisive, persistent and focused. However, according to Al Pittampalli, a consultant who has helped NASA, Boeing, IBM and others, modern leaders also need to be more flexible and ready to change course.

We all know that we need to adapt to change. It turns out adapting to change isn’t only necessary, it’s the speed at which we adapt to change provide competitive more

The introduction of new technologies, operational changes or strategic changes in organizations, all generates pain and frustration for business leaders and moreyoung business people group have meeting and working in modern bright office indoor

Almost every activity within the IT operations, simple or complex, involves change and requires a corresponding change management effort.

This requires an effective change management methodology to successfully manage changes and reap the desired more

Top 3 items to consider for operational change

Impact on Departments: All department usually have their own set of operational system(s) so it’s critical for business leader to understand how any change will impact operations of each department. For example, if department provides customer service any interruption during business hours will impact, revenue and customer service more

Business Process Impact: Modern business processes are all technology dependent, from shipping to accounting, purchasing, manufacturing, customer services and so on. There’s always process hand off or process flow connection. For example, shipping may start their process as soon as accounting department completes their process or customer service completes their purchase order process. In each case, these processes are dependent on technology. During any technology changes, impact on business process hand off usually cause frustration among teams and impact on customer more

Impact on People: Research on stress shows that the degree of clarity around what will happen and when it will happen; and the ability to connect cause and effect is the main factor influencing their stress level. In other words, the more control an employee has in any situation, the more change, challenge, and uncertainty they can handle without becoming stressed more

Top 3 items to minimize impact of change

 Process & Strategy: Investing time and efforts to develop strategy and roadmaps will not only allow you to communicate plans to entire team but also measure your execution against benchmark defined in roadmap...learn more

Execution & Communication: Keep employees informed by providing regular communications. Change communications is never a one-and-done event; keeping employees informed is something that you will have to do throughout every step of the change process. Studies have found that continual communication is a leading factor in a transformation’s more

 Support Structure: The degree of clarity around organizational and departmental goals, possible scenarios, current state of affairs, how the changes will affect the employee, and how the employee’s performance contributes to business goals. And during any change execution, your staff will have questions, concerns and require support during or after more

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